These digital recordings are intended for use only with the Mills Violano Digital Player System
supplied by Mills Novelty Company. Copying, duplication or other unauthorized
use for any purpose is strictly prohibited.
All material copyrighted 2007-
Mills Novelty Company. All rights reserved.
Thousands of tune files now available for your Digital Player controlled Violano
More than half of all the Mills Novelty Company original late-style rolls, a significant number of early-style rolls as well as newly arranged music are now available for your Digital Player controlled Violano. It is no longer necessary to wait for several ho-hum pieces to play before you hear the tune that you really want to listen to. Pick from the catalog of several thousand tunes to compile a personal play-list that will excite both you and your guests.
- Purchase tunes individually
- Purchase tunes by tune type
- Purchase tunes by original roll #
- Purchase the entire library
- Purchase pre-selected collections
Click the buttons below to see a list of available tunes.
Come back often as more tunes are constantly being added from original rolls.
Hint: Use Adobe Acrobat's search to find a particular Tune.

Whole Library Purchase
Call us for a very special bulk price for the entire library of music.
Custom Rolls
We are now pleased to offer custom re-cut rolls with any combination of tunes.
The Mills ID for each tune has as its first 5 digits the original tune number assigned by Mills Novelty Co. when the roll was manufactured. The remaining 4 characters indicate the original roll number. Tunes with the same name may be duplicated on various rolls. Generally, tunes with the same name and a unique tune number are different arrangements of that tune.